The Man who would be Boss

  with my two daughters, Lynda,[R], and Julie. 

                 And the REAL Boss, Audrey  

       And with Lynda, Julie,their hubys Michael, Colin and one of our grandaughters Michell. 

                        The Hideout 

                                          The View 

                                      The Sunset 

               The Other Getaway Vehicle 

                       Audrey and Myself

        [coffee time after a hard day?] 

      A Misty day on Snowdon 

                     Julie and Colin 

         Lynda and Michael, giveing Dad his medicine 


    The glamourous grany in her modeling days 


  Julie the Glamourous grany in her modeling days



                        PICTURES FROM THE PAST

                            SWEET 18

                 Audrey and Myself [before the clan] 

              Then the girls found husbands 

                 And we found grandkids 

       Lynda Mike Steph and Michell, [overlooked by the boss] 

 My 70th birthday 2006 at Lynda's

I wonder if I'm nice, I'll get something out of him

                Maddison and the old fool 

      One of our past homes, Portsunlight Village 

        The Family Seat?    I don't think so 


          AUDREY                                            BOTH OF US

                           OUR GRAND KIDS 


             CHRISTINE and KYM 

         MADDISON with MUM 

    MICHELLE with MUM 



                            AND OUR  GREAT GRANDKIDS

                 [nowonder Im feeble and gray] 

       CONNOR [aunt Maddy] and FAYE        ELLA and HARRISON 

        LACEY [top]                  

                 JULIE                        AND                LYNDA

                      Got to keep in , you neaver know when you need them.       


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